All MOBY's functions and scheduling of data acquisition by MOS are controlled by the MLML Instrument Controller located in the upper instrument bay. The controller logs all daily functions in a number of different ASCII LOg files. There are currently 8 different log files: *_shutdown.log, *_sendmsg.log, *_batt_maint.log, *_session_master.log, *_run_mos.log, *_upload_data.log, *_upload_homeetc.log, and *_set_date.log. The data I thought might be useful are plotted below. These parameters include temperature and humidity of the controller housing, battery status and voltages, flags and other events.
Updated: 13-Jan-2023 10:56:23 - Date of last log file downloaded: 04-Nov-2021 20:42:06 - filename: 20211104_204206_upload_homeetc_NEW.log
Falcon hard drive is 2% full. The hard drive size is 1100G
Measurment | Mean | Min | Max | %std | comment |
U0C0, main battery voltage: | 10.8162 | 10.39 | 11.58 | 3.02 | |
U0C7, falcon power supply bus: | 10.8435 | 10.74 | 11 | 0.51 | |
L0C12, lower battery 1 voltage: | 13.4057 | 13.27 | 13.59 | 0.86 | |
L0C13, lower battery 2 voltage: | 10.3171 | 10.3 | 10.33 | 0.11 | Disabled |
L0C14, lower battery 3 voltage: | 6.5114 | 6.45 | 6.58 | 0.78 | Disabled |
L0C15, lower battery 4 voltage: | 10.1829 | 10.17 | 10.21 | 0.14 | Disabled |
U0C1, heatsink temperature: | 24.9998 | 24.99 | 25.01 | 0.03 | |
U0C2, case air temperature: | 24.9918 | 24.98 | 25 | 0.02 | |
U0C3, case humidity: | 40.5035 | 39.1 | 42.69 | 1.54 | |
U0C4, +5APwr: | 5.0698 | 5.02 | 5.08 | 0.27 | |
step time server | -0.78445 | -1.5764 | -0.57256 | -49.58 |
Local Start Time | Local Stop Time | Battery | Total Charging time (hours) |
Daylight Charging time (hours) |
sum of cos(zen) |
02-Nov-2021 5:15:32 PM | 02-Nov-2021 6:05:28 PM | Lower 1 | 0.83222 | 0.62417 | 0.21204 |
02-Nov-2021 6:14:20 PM | 03-Nov-2021 7:11:41 AM | Upper | 12.9558 | 0.4983 | 0.12213 |
03-Nov-2021 7:14:26 AM | 03-Nov-2021 8:11:31 AM | Upper | 0.95166 | 0.95166 | 0.92357 |
03-Nov-2021 8:14:24 AM | 03-Nov-2021 10:41:33 AM | Lower 1 | 2.4525 | 2.4525 | 5.5813 |
03-Nov-2021 10:50:24 AM | 03-Nov-2021 12:19:34 PM | Upper | 1.4861 | 1.4861 | 4.7104 |
03-Nov-2021 12:22:25 PM | 03-Nov-2021 1:50:28 PM | Lower 1 | 1.4678 | 1.4678 | 4.6941 |
03-Nov-2021 1:59:26 PM | 03-Nov-2021 5:05:41 PM | Lower 1 | 3.1044 | 3.1044 | 6.1894 |
03-Nov-2021 5:14:36 PM | 03-Nov-2021 6:11:30 PM | Upper | 0.94834 | 0.71125 | 0.21667 |
03-Nov-2021 6:14:16 PM | 04-Nov-2021 7:11:32 AM | Upper | 12.9545 | 0.49825 | 0.11735 |
04-Nov-2021 7:14:18 AM | 04-Nov-2021 8:11:35 AM | Upper | 0.95472 | 0.95472 | 0.91211 |
Summary graph: Shows when all the logs files where created
A compliation of the batt_maint (BML) and run_mos (RML) logs for the U0C0, main battery voltage and U0C7, falcon power supply bus. The below graph is every reading from all the BML and RML files. The Main battery voltages are plotted for when charge is being provided by the solar panels (Cup) and when charge is being sent to the lower bank (Cdwn).
A compliation of the batt_maint (BML) and run_mos (RML) logs for the L0C12-LOC15, lower battery voltage 1 through 4. The below graph is every reading from all the BML and RML files. The lower battery voltages are all, always taken with no load and no charge being directed to them. So the charge was switched to 0 first, before the voltage measurement was taken.
This graph shows which battery is being charged, when MOBY is not acquiring data. The math is done by count the number of times battery x is the last one in a batt_maint.log file. According to Art an even better metric is to look at the last battery selected before shutdown and then the first one its on at boot (should be the same) and compute the time between them. I have check how many times there would be a difference and it is very small. So I am going to leave the math as it is.
When MOBY is acquiring data the battery selected is suppose to also be charged. This in theory should be included in this graph, even thought the battery is also being dischrged at the same time. But we think that the log files may be wrong and that during acquisition the upper battery is being charged. Which is another reason to not include those numbers here.
Same data as the above graph just shown in time series form.
This shows which battery is selcted to be used by MOBY during a file acquisition. In the run_mos log there is a line "writing binary data to:" which tells which MO3 file is being created. I then search for the first "Battery in use by MOS:x1 Charge:x2 BS:x3 RS:x4" line before the "writing binary data to:" and pull the x1 battery number from the line and plot it verses the hour and date of the MOBY file.
Same data as the above graph just shown in bar graph form.
Using the run_mos and batt_maint logs I find the last "Battery in use by MOS:x1 Charge:x2 BS:x3 RS:x4" in each batt_maint logs. I then look for the next run_mos or batt_maint logs "Battery in use by MOS:x1 Charge:x2 BS:x3 RS:x4" and if the x2 number has changed then I calculate the time difference. I should mention this does not include any battery charging happening when MOBY is taking data. I should also mention this includes all log data that is on the ftp site, even test data from the tent. So if one battery is charged for days the scale data can go way off the chart so the max is caped a 50.
Ken wanted to see how much of the charging of the solar panels (especially the 12 hours of charging) was happening in the daylight verses night time. So I created this graph. The dot-dash-dot show the start and stop time for each battery which is being charged. The y-axes is still number of hours charged. The cos of the zenith angle is in black. The yellow and gray patches are day (zenith < 90 deg) and night (zenith > 90 deg). We can see most of the 12 hours of charging is happening over night. This potentially has the same scale problem as the previous graph.
This is my next attempt to figure out the battery charging relationship to the sun. I when through each charging start and stop time and removed any time in which the sun was below the horizon. So you will see that most of the time over 10 hours are gone because most of them where charging overnight. I then calculated a solar zenith angle every 15 minutes for the day light hours and calculated a mean zenith angle. I changed the symbol based on which zenith angle group the charging data set fell in. Of course the longer the charging time the greater the variablity in the sun angle. This potentially has the same scale problem as the previous graph.
So for the previous graph I had calculated the zenith angle every 15 minutes for all the daylight hours. Ken said to take all the 15 minute daylight solar zenith angles and sum the cos of the zenith angle. This should give a good idea of how much sun light is getting onto the solar panels during charging.
So for this graph I summed all the charging being done in one day. This eliminates the scale problem because if one battery is charges for many day the sum is spread out over each day.
This is a plot of the 4 lower batteries measured from a number of sources. The small dots are the measurments from the run_mos and batt_maint logs (unloaded) and the largers symbols are from the TT7 main volts saved in the MOBY file auxilliary data (loaded MOS running and coolers on). The black lines are the min and max of the voltages in the MOBY files. In addition Art saves to the linux log files a print out from MOS of the ADC data. The black star is the TT7 voltage (which ever lower battery is selected) unloaded. Which means MOS is on but the coolers are off. There should be two black stars for each MOBY file. They are collected at the beginning of aquisition and at the end when the coolers are off. The yellow circles are the MOS ADC data after the coolers have been on for 15 minutes.
Art saves to the linux log files a print out from MOS of the ADC data. On the top panel the blue circles are the TT7 voltage (which ever lower battery is selected) unloaded, when MOS is first turned on. Which means MOS is on but the coolers are off. The yellow circles show the same data but after the coolers have been on for 15 minutes. The red square shows the voltage measured at the end of the data aquisition and after the coolers have been turned off. There should be 3 symbols for each MOBY file. The second panel shows the differenc between the blue and yellow symbols (unload to loaded or cooler off to on) and the yellow and red symbols (loaded to unloaded or coolers on to off).
This plot shows the result each time the shutdown script has run. If it runs and finds a "lock" file (basically an indication that something else is still running) it cancels the shutdown. If it runs and "no lock files found" then it shuts down. My best guess at keywords in the file (all of which have a GMT time at the start of the line)
This plot shows the result each time the shutdown script has run. If it runs and finds a "lock" file (basically an indication that something else is still running) it cancels the shutdown. If it runs and "no lock files found" then it shuts down. My best guess at keywords in the file (all of which have a GMT time at the start of the line)
SESSION_MASTER LOG INFO The session_master log is the big picture, of turning on MOBY, taking data and turning MOBY off
My best guess at keywords in the file (all of which have a GMT time at the start of the line)
Shows the start and stop times of the session master file for the last 3 days.
RUN_MOS LOG INFO The run_mos is the log sheet that tells about collecting a MO3 file.
My best guess at keywords in the file (all of which have a GMT time at the start of the line)
The run_mos logs for the U0C0, main battery voltage and U0C7, falcon power supply bus.
The run_mos logs for the U0C1, heatsink temperature and U0C2, case air temperature.
The run_mos logs for the U0C3, case humidity.
The run_mos logs for the U0C4, +5APwr.
The run_mos logs for the U0C9-12, solar panel current 1-4.
The run_mos logs for the U0C13, lower bat charge current, U0C14, upper bat charge current, and U0C15, controller current.
The run_mos logs for the L0C0, regulated voltage and L0C1, unregulated voltage.
The run_mos logs for the L0C7, case air temperature.
The run_mos logs for the L0C8, case humidity.
The run_mos logs for the L0C12-LOC15, lower battery voltage 1 through 4.
So looking at the section of run_mos that acquired the MOBY data. I pulled out some keywords and then have plotted them below to show how long it is taking to acquire a MO3 file. I am not totally sure these are the keywords needed but they do tell a story. The cooler turn on for 15 minutes. Then the acquisition starts. The Closely packed symbols are the Es data before and after the more spaced out x symbols for the Lu data collection. The bigger group of symbols at the end of the file are the Es followed by the reference lamps. Or in the case of the newer faster files the bigger group at the end included the Ed data as well. The black dot at the end is the total time to collect the file. I have also added plotting a magenta triangle with a line for any file that shows data collection started in the log file ("Checking the scan definitions" line) but did not end with "Shutting down MOS", in the legend the string is "No EOF".
My best guess at keywords in the file (all of which have a GMT time at the start of the line)
The batt_maint logs for the U0C0, main battery voltage and U0C7, falcon power supply bus.
The batt_maint logs for the U0C1, heatsink temperature and U0C2, case air temperature.
The batt_maint logs for the U0C3, case humidity.
The batt_maint logs for the U0C4, +5APwr.
The batt_maint logs for the U0C9-12, solar panel current 1-4.
The batt_maint logs for the U0C13, lower bat charge current, U0C14, upper bat charge current, and U0C15, controller current.
The batt_maint logs for the L0C0, regulated voltage and L0C1, unregulated voltage.
The batt_maint logs for the L0C7, case air temperature.
The batt_maint logs for the L0C8, case humidity.
The batt_maint logs for the L0C12-LOC15, lower battery voltage 1 through 4.
My best guess at keywords in the file (all of which have a GMT time at the start of the line)
Looking for set_data messages
THe time adjustments made to the MOBY computer time